8 tips to increase the driving range of your electric car

Did you know that you can get more kilometers on a single battery charge by making smart use of your electric car?
Fear of limited range, also known as 'range anxiety', can easily be alleviated with these eight handy tips:

  1. Recover energy: Every time you take your foot off the accelerator, the car automatically slows down and the energy released is used to recharge the battery. If you approach this smartly, you can drive further without stopping to charge and your brakes will also last longer.

  2. Anticipate and accelerate: Try to drive smoothly by looking ahead and anticipating traffic. Less braking and acceleration means less energy consumption.

  3. Use cruise control: Turning on cruise control helps you maintain a constant speed, which not only ensures more mileage, but also a relaxing drive without speeding fines.

  4. Avoid energy guzzlers: Turn off heating and air conditioning when you don't need them, because they consume energy.

  5. Heat or cool at the charging station: If you want to heat or cool your car, use mains power instead of the battery, so that you have more energy for driving.

  6. Pay attention to your tire pressure: Checking your tire pressure regularly not only reduces resistance on the road, but also improves your range.

  7. Don't drive too fast: Higher speeds lead to more energy consumption, so don't drive too fast if you want to drive economically. A slower speed can increase your range.

  8. know your car: Get to know your electric car well and use useful functions such as e-manager and regeneration modes to get the most out of electric driving.

    Follow these tips and enjoy a greater range with your electric car, while also driving more environmentally friendly!

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